Whatever I did, I do not judge myself and nothing can change my worthiness to be loved.

If you also feel you are a Human Angel, you already are part of this increasing community of souls who want to spread a planetary message of Love all over the world

Victoria Garcia Drago

Boston USA

I started Yoga more than ten years ago without knowing why I was getting into it. Even after taking my first Yoga class, I immediately started savoring the benefits of this practice. Soon I found myself on a path of self-discovery that has led me into what appears to be a lifetime of self-study.Yoga has become, for me, a way to peel back the layers of misperception and confusion within myself, revealing, beneath those layers, my true self. 



I am a Finnish music artist from a little village called Jalasjärvi in Western Finland. When I was six years old I knew that singing is my life path. Thirteen years later I started my professional career after winning a national singing contest. Since then I’ve been giving concerts and have recorded several albums – meeting thousands of people.

Daniela Giraldez Vianello


Meu processo de transformação pessoal começou em 2008. Em 2010 eu resolvi encerrar minha carreira como executiva de marketing em uma empresa multinacional para ficar mais perto da minha família, mergulhar no meu processo de autoconhecimento e trabalhar em algo que fizesse com que eu me sentisse contribuindo para um mundo melhor.Criei um site

Roberto De Gregorio

Torino, Italy

Roberto is a graphic designer who works with visual art and creativity. He has always been fascinated by forms, shapes and the history of each individual object, thus it was with enthusiasm that he started two exciting projects: the Auto-Mobili project and the RebelTorino project, creating the look, the name and the logo, with the purpose of inspiring a new approach to reinterpreting the Italian industrial culture.

Gergana Ugrinova


My name is Gergana Ugrinova, I was born on January the 16th, 1991 in Sofia. I graduated from a Spanish high school and am currently a student at the University of Mining and geology   “St. Ivan Rilski”. I am fluent in English and this gave me the opportunity to translate the book “We are Human Angels” into Bulgarian. This is the first project that I have done. Until now I have written poetry and prose on various topics, but only for personal enjoyment.



Archimedix, dreamer, blogger, truth seeker and computer ninja, far more than an average genius. He has worked with us since the beginning of this project. He has helped us to create and build this website. He always gives us more than one reason to love him.

Shawn Reeder

Nevada City USA

I am a destination visual artist who specializes in photography, timelapse cinematography, & filmmaking.  I’ve worked extensively in California, Yosemite and the Sierra Nevada, my home. I love to travel and have recently worked on projects in Europe, the Middle East, and New Zealand.

Olivier Thomas


Olivier Thomas est un être humain formidable. Voyageur et chercheur de Vérité, il habite à Nantes en France où lui et sa compagne possèdent une petite boutique d’artisanat indien, PADME, 2 rue Neuve des Capucins.

Anniek Oosting


When I was a teacher at school a girl, 6 years old, told me there were angels in my classroom. She said to me I should keep the promiss I made above. From that moment on it never left my mind. Then the word energy came into my life, and it never left. Now years later, after making the decision leaving school, but keep on teaching, I found the energy behind the words.

Alef Mim


I am a software developer and a coder. I keep my heart open, reading and inspecting newly published subjects from around the world, including Human Angels’ books in order to have a better life. I have been coding for a long time and in my opinion humans are very different from computers when we compare them

Efstathia Economou


I graduated from College Sainte Jeanne D’ Arc French College in Athens, and learned French, English, and Ancient Greek. I also made French Literature and Translation. I have worked for many years in different and important aspects of Grecian Business, meeting many people of different nationalities and backgrounds.

Emmerich Lehner


When I got the book “We are Human Angels“ as a Christmas present from my loved one, the Universe told me, this book should also be translated into German. So I sent an email to the contact address and I got a wonderful answer!

Claudia Thoma


As a child, I always had the feeling that I was not really at my place in my home country; The Netherlands. Although my parents thought I might go to Australia or New Zeeland it was a holiday in Turkey that made it clear to me that Turkey was the country I should stay. It was a strange feeling of homecoming and being automatically connected with the “old” energy floating through the country

Karen Elsborg


I’m about to rediscover the angel in me. The journey through life is amazing with all what it contains. I have experienced and learned a lot, which has made me to the person I am today. I am a seeker and have read many spirituelle books, in which I have found inspiration to min inner journey.

Kirstine Verwohlt


Iam 24 years old and live in Denmark. I dream of living someplace in Africa sometime. I have a Bachelor’s degree in Social Education and am soon beginning a Master’s degree in Educational Philosophy. Right now I work full-time at a school for kids with special needs; kids who have been diagnosed with autism, ADHD etc.

Snjezana Ivic


Ever searching for the heavenly glow in everyday life, Snjezana recognized it at first sight on the “We Are Human Angels” website, after which she translated the book into Croatian and published it. She has been working in journalism and PR for thirty years, and today she is also a publisher